A Message from Mr. Kosal:
MMS is All Heart!
This is Mr. Patrick Kosal, your proud MMS principal. Our reschedule Fall Festival is coming up next weekend and it's going to be a great event! Many food trucks will help families have a tasty dinner, local vendors show off their business offerings, and face-painting, balloon animals, and inflatables for the kids to play on. It's a way for our PTSO to welcome the community to MMS while also fund-raising for some much-needed classroom technology. It's next weekend, 11/22, between 5 - 8:00pm at the MMS football field -- see you there!
Here's what you'll find in this week's newsletter:
- holiday Toy Drive at MMS
- upcoming Chorus & Band performances + Art show
- Gateway project for 8th graders (12/12)
- ordering make-up school pictures
- Upcoming Red Imp home sports events
- 6th grade Butter Braids fundraiser
- Importance of students using school IDs at lunch
- Information on a free Thanksgiving dinner
- Holiday assistance for those in need
- MYA Lacrosse information
- news from the MMS PTSO
- and more!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email our administration team or call the MMS front office. Have a great weekend, Red Imp families!
Mr. Kosal, MMS principal / 6th grade (pkosal@mgsd.k12.nc.us)
Dr. Browning, assistant principal / 7th grade (mbrowning@mgsd.k12.nc.us)
Ms. Richardson, assistant principal / 8th grade (tabitharichardson@mgsd.k12.nc.us)
Mr. Bost, assistant principal intern (ronbost@mgsd.k12.nc.us)
Ms. Miller, athletic director (dedramiller@mgsd.k12.nc.us)
Updates from the MMS PTSO:
Families: we want YOU to help our growing PTSO team! If you'd like to be part of the awesome MMS PTSO, our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 4th from 9 - 10:00am at Mooresville Middle School. We'll be discussing the staff holiday luncheon and plans for student gifts / goodies. Please mark your calendars -- all are welcome!!
Parents: you can help our PTSO without attending meetings! For the upcoming Fall Festival on 11/22 (see below) we need Raffle Baskets and Parent Volunteers. Our goal this year is to raise money to help MMS purchase technology for the classroom and we need your help! Please use the following links to sign up; thank you!
Raffle sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B084FA9A623A1FB6-53099430-raffle
Parent volunteer sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B084FA9A623A1FB6-53099737-fall
MMS 6th Grade Butter Braid Fundraiser is Active!
Our 6th graders are raising funds for their trip to Camp Thunderbird in February, and we need your help! The fundraiser kicked off on November 11th and the last day to sell is Tuesday, December 3rd. Every item sold contributes $6.20 toward the student's trip costs.
Emails were sent to all 6th grade students' email accounts, so they can share their unique store link with friends and family! If you want to support a specific 6th grader, just ask them for their link or you can find their name on our store dashboard.
Don't know any 6th graders but love butter braids? You can place your order under MMS, and those funds will help provide scholarships for the field trip.
Important Dates:
Fundraiser dates: November 11th - December 3rd
Delivery: December 19th, pick up at MMS front office
Thank you for your support in making this field trip a reality!
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact Stephanie Roseman at stephanieroseman@mgsd.k12.nc.us #SupportMMS #ButterBraidFundraiser #CampThunderbird2024 #6thGrade
Panorama School Climate Surveys coming in December
Parents, students will be taking their Panorama school climate surveys between Dec. 2-Dec. 6. Each student will take one survey about their general experience at Mooresville Middle School. This gives MMS key information about how our students truly feel about our campus, culture, and safety.
Opt-Out information for our upcoming Student School Climate Survey is found here. The deadline for parents to opt out of the survey is Nov. 25 at the end of the day. Questions? Contact Principal Kosal (pkosal@mgsd.k12.nc.us)
More information: Panorama Student Survey (School) - Grades 3-12 - Parent Notification [English]
8th grade parents - you're invited to see Gateway presentations (12/12)
We are excited to invite family and friends of our 8th grade students to a special event showcasing the hard work and dedication of our Red Imps! Your student will be presenting their Gateway Project on Thursday, 12/12/24. The MGSD Gateway project is a culmination of a student’s learning experience and represents the skills all students should master at each transition year. This year, they researched a document based question from American history and provided evidence to support their claim.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday, December 12, 2024
Time: TBD (specific times for each student / class will be communicated soon)
Location: Mooresville Middle School media center area
This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your child’s achievements and witness the incredible projects they’ve developed. Your presence and support mean so much to our students, and we look forward to sharing this moment with your family and friends. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your 8th grader's social studies teacher. We hope to see you there!
Fine Arts Shows
With the end of Semester 1 in sight, our Fine Arts classes (Band, Chorus, Visual Arts) want to invite our parents to see their end-of-term performances for our 7th & 8th grade students! Mark your calendars; more details to come:
Chorus performance - Mon. Nov. 25th, 7 - 8:00pm, Mooresville High PAC
Art Show - Wed. Dec. 4th, 5 - 7:00pm, MMS media center
Band performance - Wed. Dec. 11th, 7 - 8:00pm, MMS gymnasium (*changed*)
Upcoming Athletic Events @ MMS:
Monday, November 18 -- boys & girls Varsity Basketball vs. Ellis (4:30pm start)
Thursday, November 21 -- Wrestling vs. Selma Burke Middle (4:30pm start)
* All guests must pass through metal detectors / detection wands for selected athletic events.
* Note: only clear bags are allowed to be brought into events.
* To buy tickets online in advance, use this link: https://tinyurl.com/MMS-sportstickets
Toy Drive 2024 @ MMS - ongoing until Winter Break
Starting Monday, November 4th, Mooresville Middle School will be collecting donations of toys for our 2nd annual toy drive to benefit the children at Levine Children's Hospital. Students will bring their toys to donate into their 1st period class, and the group with the most toys donated in our school will win a pizza party! The top classes of the other two grade levels will receive an ice cream treat, as well. Let's help bring a little Christmas cheer to those who really need a pick me up this season!!!
Student Badges make breakfast & lunch lines move faster
Parents: we're seeing some delays in lunch & breakfast lines at MMS. Many of our students do not know their lunch number and do not have their ID Badge causing our cashiers to look up each student by last name. This process causes the cashier to jump out of register mode and have to jump back in after selecting the student by last name. Please remind your Red Imp student to have their ID Badge on their person to so we can ensure our students have plenty of time to eat meals. If they need a new ID badge created, have them tell their Homeroom teacher and we'll call them up to the office when possible. Thank you!
How to alert MMS of student absence:
The email address for parents to alert MMS about student absences is: MMSAttendance@MGSD.k12.nc.us
Parents can upload doctor's notes as well. This process helps to avoid lost excuse notes!
Parents: with cold & flu season just about arrived, please know how to access the MGSD Health Services website. On that page, you'll find helpful tips on when to keep children home from school due to illness, forms for a wide variety of medical conditions, special dietary meals requests, and much more!
Also, the image below is an easy-to-follow chart that our MMS school nurse, Laura Crenshaw, passes on to teachers for guidance on how she can best help students. Please let Nurse Crenshaw know if you have any questions or concerns (lauracrenshaw@mgsd.k12.nc.us)
This button links you to the MGSD Student Code of Conduct, where you can reference behavior infractions and consequences outlined by our district.
MMS Social Media Handles - follow us!
Use the "Parents & Students" tab to find information about Lunch Prepay, Canvas help, etc.
Thanks for a great week, Red Imp families!
Patrick Kosal
Patrick is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters